September 3, 2020
Dear KFM Family,
With the opening of schools and the expected opening of additional businesses including gyms, theaters, and bowling alleys, our state is beginning to allow groups in larger numbers to gather indoors. With the state recognizing that, with appropriate safety measures, such gatherings can be held safely, our Board has determined that it is time to reopen the church building for indoor worship. Therefore, we are making plans to begin in-person worship again beginning Sunday, September 20th.
As we gather again, we will continue to keep the current safety measures in place. This will include wearing masks inside the church and maintaining safe distance with our seating in the sanctuary. We also will not begin our children’s programs, including nursery and junior church, at this time. Parents are asked to keep their children with them at all times while attending the worship service. In addition, our Café will remain closed until further notice.
Even with these safety measures, we are looking forward to worshipping together in person. We realize that the current pandemic is not over and are praying for its end, but in the meantime, we will once again join our voices in praise to God!
We hope that you will join us as we begin meeting on Sunday, September 20th, however we recognize that some of you will continue to worship with us through our online broadcasts due to being at higher risk or not yet feeling safe to gather in larger groups. We support you in your decision and will continue to stay in touch in the coming weeks.
Please share this information with anyone whom you may think will be interested and may not have received word of our “reopening.†We look forward to seeing you all very soon.
May the Lord bless you,
Pastor Craig Watson and the KFM Governing Board
Dear KFM Family,
With the opening of schools and the expected opening of additional businesses including gyms, theaters, and bowling alleys, our state is beginning to allow groups in larger numbers to gather indoors. With the state recognizing that, with appropriate safety measures, such gatherings can be held safely, our Board has determined that it is time to reopen the church building for indoor worship. Therefore, we are making plans to begin in-person worship again beginning Sunday, September 20th.
As we gather again, we will continue to keep the current safety measures in place. This will include wearing masks inside the church and maintaining safe distance with our seating in the sanctuary. We also will not begin our children’s programs, including nursery and junior church, at this time. Parents are asked to keep their children with them at all times while attending the worship service. In addition, our Café will remain closed until further notice.
Even with these safety measures, we are looking forward to worshipping together in person. We realize that the current pandemic is not over and are praying for its end, but in the meantime, we will once again join our voices in praise to God!
We hope that you will join us as we begin meeting on Sunday, September 20th, however we recognize that some of you will continue to worship with us through our online broadcasts due to being at higher risk or not yet feeling safe to gather in larger groups. We support you in your decision and will continue to stay in touch in the coming weeks.
Please share this information with anyone whom you may think will be interested and may not have received word of our “reopening.†We look forward to seeing you all very soon.
May the Lord bless you,
Pastor Craig Watson and the KFM Governing Board