March 17, 2020

Dear KFM Family,

We pray that this finds you safe and healthy. There is a lot of information being given through every possible means and we want you to know what is happening with our church. We thank each of you who have already contacted us and asked how you can help. There are a lot of ways all of us can both help and be involved in the coming days.

First, we want everyone to know that we will stop all church in-person gatherings until further notice. Both our government and our Conference and Denominational Leaders have insisted on this for the welfare of everyone. This does not mean that we will stop connecting and worshipping in other ways. We are developing a plan of many ways we can stay in touch with one another to worship, study, share and pray. We will share these plans with you in the coming days as they are fully prepared.

One way for us to stay connected that is already available is our live Sunday worship service broadcast. You can access this service on Sunday through our website (, on our Facebook Page (, on our Roku channel, and on our phone app. If you have questions of how to do this or have problems, please contact us and we will have someone help.

Remember that you can also give financially to the church through our phone app or website. In these extraordinary days, we understand the struggles that many families will be undergoing. It is also a challenging time for the ongoing operations of the church as well as the new expanded programs to help us minister in new ways. As we continue to worship together online and serve each other through these expanded programs, we realize not everyone will be able to give as usual due to work stoppage, etc. We ask that everyone pray about this, asking God to guide us all in what we are able to do. Those who are able, please continue giving online or through the mail. If you need someone to pick up your tithe or offering and deliver it to the church, let us know. Please also pray about the new opportunities to serve we will have and how you could get involved. Keep looking for our updates on these plans.

We know that these can be scary times. Not only are we facing a major threat to our health, but the steps to address it are affecting everyone one of us in so many other ways. With that said, do not forget that God continues to reign supreme. He knows what we are facing, and He has promised his children that He would never leave nor forsake us. In other words, God has our backs! Not only that, He will also lead us through these days. He will walk beside us through it all. Get the picture? Our God surrounds us with His presence. He is there to strengthen, comfort, and provide. Don’t lose sight of the Savior. Lean on Him and lean on one another. Together, we will see this through and give thanks.

Do not hesitate to call any of us with questions or needs. As your pastors and Governing Board, our love and prayers are with you.

In Christ’s Service,
Pastor Craig
Pastor Kimberly
Pastor Gary

The Governing Board:
Mark Hasenburg
Chris St. Peter
Karla Dennis
Jere Kraak
Kristina Coleman